What is DOS and DDOS? |Is DOS and DDOS legal or not?

What is DOS and DDOS attack?

Before explaining DOS and DDOS . Let me you explain you What Is Bandwidth ? This term is very important id you are studying about DOS and DDOS attack.


Bandwidth is like a wire. You now that current flows into the wire and same as like that only traffic flows from bandwidth . Bandwidth has a defined space from which data/traffic can go through.
For example, a gigabit Ethernet connection has a bandwidth of 1,000 Mbps, (125 megabytes per second).

According to google -

Bandwidth describes the maximum data transfer rate of a network or Internet connection. It measures how much data can be sent over a specific connection in a given amount of time.


DOS is an attack that crashes the website its full form is denial-of-service attack.DOS attack is one of the popular attack that is used by an attacker for harmful purpose.It is performed by the single person/attacker.

How DOS crashes the website?

DOS attack crashes the website by gathering more traffic then its bandwidth. In simple words we can say that DOS collect the traffic and send all the collected traffic to the website.The traffic is more then the bandwidth of a website.The website can't handle that amount of traffic because that is more then its bandwidth that's why the site crashes.


DDOS is an attack that is very similar to the DOS attack.This is also done for the harmful purpose by the hacker/attacker.Same actions are performed as in DOS attack but the only thing which is different is this is done by the group of individuals.More then one computer is required to do this DDOS Attack rather then the DOS attack. 

Is DOS and DDOS legal or not?

Most of the peoples has question in there mind that is dos legal ? is ddos legal ? So answer is YES it is legal if you are using it for security purpose only and using it on your website only and if you are doing this on others website for security purpose you have to sign an agreement with the owner of that website on which you are testing .

Further is explained in the pdf. 

You can download the pdf / ebook by this LINK.

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