What is Dark Web and Deep Web?
The Dark Web is that part of internet the we can't access legally and it is not accesable with simple browser like chrome.According to a research dark web contains 90% of the whole internet.The internet we use in our daily life is just 4% of whole internet which is called as world wide web(www) and now the question arises that if 90% is Dark Web and we use 4% Internet then it is only 96% (90 + 4) where is the rest 6% of Internet . Does that exist? So the answer is a big YES it exist and it is called the Deep Web. Now what is Deep web? Don't you worry I'll explain it to you.
Dark Web
Till now you all only know that Dark Web is only the 90% part of the internet , 4% we use in our daily life and rest is the 6% which is deep web which is the next topic to be explained.
Now many questions arises like :
- Why its illegal?
- Why we can't access it?
- From which browser we can access it?
- Why we can't access it from the simple browser?
- What is there in the Dark Web?
All questions are answered -
"Dark web is the hub of all the illegal activities".In the early 1980s, access to the internet for normal peoples become normal that's why The US Navy started dark web in 1984 to transfer there data safely which is not visible to the normal peoples on the internet. It is only accesible by the special browser called TOR Browser . There are special domains of the Dark web websites link which are called Onion Links.These are called onion links because they ends with the .onion instead of .com or .in or any of the normal domain. For example if the google.com was the part of the dark web ,Then it will be known as Google.onion.
The TOR project was later sold to China by the US Government.Then from the Govt. of China this Project was leaked(I'm not sure about this weather it is leaked by the Govt. of china or not but for sure the project was leaked) and then in the early 2000 the entry of Hackers existed in the Dark Web.
We can't access it with the simple browser like chrome because it uses Onion Links which are not indexed by the crawlers of any search engine like google , bing and yahoo and we can't directly open the link because they are not supported by the simple browsers.You can find the links of Dark Web by searching wikileaks on google.
It is illegal because all the illegal activities take place on the Dark Web ,many policies and secret documents are kept there.
In Dark Web all the illegal activities takes place like Smuggling , Drugs , Human Trafficing , Terror Activities , All types of Books before there release Dates are available there and many more things are kept there that'sall in the Dark Web and that's why it is Illegal to use.FBI and other security angency always keeps the track of all the peoples those are saerching about dark web and surfing the dark web. So be safe.I'll personally advise you to do not ever think of entering in dark web.DON'T USE IT , IT'S NOT SAFE.
Deep Web -
The Deep Web is also like the dark web also it's content is not indexed by the search engines. In Deep web all the databases of every site like postoffice , all the govt. sites and all the private site is placed I've not entered in it even once so this is the only thing I know about the Deep Web.
This is my experience of using Dark Web and Deep Web.I'll advise you not to use Dark Web I'll not responsible for any issues in the future this post was jutst for Educational purpose.
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